Your electrical goodswill need tobePAT* tested for electrical
safety inorder that they complywithUKandEUElectrical Safety
standards (PortableApplianceTesting, seenext page).
The standard electricity supply in theUK is 220 / 240 volts, 50 cycles AC, and the
standardoutlet is a 13-amp square 3-pin plug.
Appliance Instructions
If you suspect there is any fault with any appliance, ensure it is turned off and report it
immediately to staff at TheStudent VillageReception.
Please check that your appliance is in goodworking order by looking for:
•No cracks or damage to appliance casing.
•Cables shouldbe free fromdamage, no signs of burning, cuts or abrasions
and have no signs of non standard joints (e.g. a taped up cable).
• That the appliance has the requiredEuropeanCommunity Standard.
• That the equipment has a 3pin 13 amp standardUKplug or the correct adaptor.
• That the equipment is not rated above 3KW or 13 amps.
Noportable heaters are permitted unless providedbyResidential Services. Because of
the dangers of overloading, extension leads andmultiplugs are discouraged. Residential
Serviceswill provide extension leadswhere they are deemed necessary. Instruction
leaflets for all appliances are in the kitchen of your flat.
* PortableApplianceTesting (commonly
knownasPATor PAT Inspectionor
PATTesting) is aprocessbywhich
electrical appliances are routinely
checked for safety.
• Turn your appliances off at thewall,
do not leave them on standby.
•Only boil asmuchwater as you need.
•Always turn off your lightswhen
you leave a room.