Residents are solely responsible for the
security of their personal belongings andwe
accept no responsibility for loss or damage.
Your study bedroom shouldbe lockedwhenever
you leave it unattended and all windows
should be secured even for a short period.
The same applies to kitchen and flat doors
which should remain locked, particularly at
night.Any loss should be reported to
The Student VillageTeam and Security.
All staff and students are issuedwith identity
cards and any stranger should be asked for
proof of identity.
Any person seen
acting suspiciously
should be reported
immediately to
the Security Office andThe Student Village
Team. If you see, hear or experience any
unusual occurrence (e.g. the presence
of an intruder), report to Security as indicated
above immediately.
We operate 24-hour CCTV coverage for the
protection of staff, students and visitors, and
our Security staff patrol the site regularly.
Please be aware that the
evacuation procedures vary
dependent uponwhich
building you are in.
For your own safety and for the safety of your
fellow residents, please familiarise yourself with
the following fire alarm procedures:
In the event of a fire alarm in:-
JamesWatt BuildingB1andB2,Mary
SturgeBuildingC1, C2, C3andC4and
• If the fire alarm is in your flat: evacuate your
flat immediately and go to the fire assembly
point (fountain oppositeMain Building). Security
Staff will inform you of the end of the incident.
• If the fire alarm is not in your flat but is on
your floor: refrain from leaving your flat until
the end of the incident or instructed to leave
by Security or the fire brigade (your flat is
protected from fire for one hour from all other
flats) Should you leave your flat,make sure you
do not impede Staff performing their duties at
the scene of the incident.
• If the fire alarm is in your block: evacuate
your flat immediately and go to the fire
assembly point (fountain oppositeMain
Building). Security Staff will inform you of the
end of the incident.
Please note that in the event of a fire alarm
in Lakeside Building, no accesswill be
authorised in Lakeside Building compound for
the duration of the fire alarm or until deemed
safe by Security Staff.
Please also take the time to view our Fire
Emergency fire fighting equipment is provided
for the safety of all. It is important that it is
maintained in an efficient manner.
Disciplinary action,which is likely to result in
expulsion from the residences,will be taken
against anyone found to have damaged,
misused or tamperedwith fire fighting
equipment of any kind. If you discover any fire
extinguisher to be empty, or other equipment
to be faulty ormissing, please report it as
soon as possible toThe
Student Village - Reception.
Chargeswill bemade
for all fire extinguishers
releasedwithout due